In a “UI rices” series of posts, I want to share some of my thoughts on design - by ricing the appearance of my own desktop, phone and more.

Currently, I have an Apple-inspired theme on both my desktop and phone.

Linux Mint 21 - “Mice”

"mac" + "nice" = "mice"

This my Linux Mint Cinnamon desktop - macOS Monterey wallpaper featuring the default Linux Mint theme with fitting purple accent color and CPU/RAM/disk monitoring applet in light colors plus “transparent bar” extension. Not much more.

linuxmint-21 1

linuxmint-21 2

Android 11 - “iOS 16”

My phone running LineageOS 18.1 (Android 11) offers some customization options, though much more limited as a Linux desktop.

I use the iOS 16 wallpaper with a blue accent color and “squircle” icons - and of course a dark theme ;) I love a clean home screen, so only a search bar and a couple of most used apps are present there.

android-11 1 android-11 2