
Documentation for the Sol framework

This project is maintained by alexcoder04



Lib.Colors is a table containing some useful color values.


local color = Lib.Colors.Magenta

Lib.Colors.UpdateColorscheme() applies the current colorscheme.

Lib.Colors.DarkModeOn() and Lib.Colors.DarkModeOff() switch to dark and light mode respectively.

Lib.Colors.DarkModeToggle() toggles the dark mode.

Lib.Colors.Parse(c) returns three values for RGB. Argument can be an array with three numbers or a string as color name found in Lib.Colors.*.


You can print debug messages using Lib.Debug.Print("test").

The message can be cleared using Lib.Debug.UnPrint().


Lib.Gui.GetStringSize(str) gives you the width and height of a string if it would be drawn on the screen.

Lib.Gui.DrawFocusBox(x, y, w, h, gc) draws a box for a focused component (useful if you are writing custom component._draw() functions).

Lib.Gui.GenTextField(label, x, y) generates a TextField component with given arguments, for quicker creation of just-labels.


function Components.Custom.HelloWorld:_draw(gc, focused)
    gc:drawString("hello world", self.PosX, self.PosY, "top")
    local width, height = Lib.Gui.GetStringSize("hello world")
    if focused then
        Lib.Gui.DrawFocusBox(self.PosX, self.PosY, width, height)
App:AddElement(Lib.Gui.GenTextField("Hello World", 10, 10))


Library functions meant for internal use in sol, which are exposed to the app developer as well.

Lib.Internal.ShowAboutDialog() shows the about dialog box.

Lib.Internal.IsRunnable(var) checks whether given variable is function and can be executed.

Lib.Internal.ArrayContains(array, element) checks whether array contains a given element.

Lib.Internal.IsDigit(char) checks whether a string is a digit (1234567890).

Lib.Internal.NormalizeNumber(num) brings a string which represents a number in normal form (remove trailing zeros, replace “” with “0”, etc).


Allows you to schedule executing of a function.


To execute a function at next update cycle:

local myfun = function() Lib.Debug.Print("Hello") end
Lib.Timeout.Next = myfun